船岸接口:ship-to-shore connection
传真通讯设备:facsimile equipment
传热指数:heat transfer index
传热油:heat-conduction oil
传热因子:heat transfer factor
传热水平:heat transfer level
传热气体:heat-conducting gas
传热过程:heat transfer
传热导体:heat conductor
传染病检查员:health officer
传感器报警阀限:sensor alarm threshold
传递速度:transmission speed
传递木行架:interstitial truss
传递桁架:transfer truss
传播中的火焰:propagating flame
传播燃烧:propagating burning
传播反应:propagation reaction
传播爆轰:spray detonation
传爆速度:velocity of explosion
传爆:propagation of detonation
穿制服的人员:uniformed force
穿透物质:penetrating material
穿梭接力供水:shuttle water relay
穿梭供水:water shuttle
穿孔管道:perforated pipe
穿刺杆:puncturing lever
穿窗(墙):vented fire
触摸探火:feeling for fire
触摸测试:touching test
触电危险:Electric shock
处理危险物品的车辆:haz-mat unit
处理事实:fact processing
处理错误:processing error
储油物:oil storage yard
储水设施:storage equipment
储水罐:holding tank of water
储罐群:tank farm
储存架区:rack space
橱灶:fire-back boiler
锄耙联合工具:council rake
锄斧:Pulaski tool
厨房油脂抽引罩:kitchen grease extraction hood
厨房烹饪设备:kitchen cooking equipment
除雪:snow removing
除气泵:off-gas pump
除尘罩:dust hood
除尘器袋:cleanner bag