非管道供水:non-piped water supply
非工作时的安全:off the job safe
非对称接口:asymmetric coupling
非传统房屋:non-traditional house
非承重构件:nonload bearing element
非常严重的自然灾害:extraordinary serious natural calamity
非常时期:Special Period
非常开应急照明装置:non-maintained emergency lighting
非编码信息:noncoded information ,NCI
非安全(特许):non-permissible explosive
飞行数据:flight data
飞行事故调查委员会:AAB;Aircraft Accident Board
飞行事故调查:air-accident investigation
飞行时间分光仪:time-of-flight spectrometer
飞行服务站:FSS;flight service station
飞行安全设备:inflight safety device
飞散火花:flying spark
飞轮;惯性轮:flying wheel
飞机撞击:impact of aircraft
飞机事故报告:AAR;aircraft accident report
飞机事故:aircraft accident
飞机失事救援作业:emergency crash work
飞机失事火灾:crash fire
飞机人员疏散:aircraft evacuation
飞机燃油箱惰性系统:aircraft fuel tank inerting system
飞机棚:aeroplane shed
飞机喷洒:airplane spray
飞机灭火系统:aircraft fire suppression system
飞机灭火器启动弹:cartridge of aircraft fire extinguisher
飞机灭火:incipient aircraft/engine fire
飞机救援和消防车:aircraft rescue and fire fighting vehicle
飞机救援和灭火:aircraft rescue and fire fighting
飞机紧急警戒:aircraft emergency alert
飞机降落区协调员:deck coordinator
飞机加油台:aircraft fueling ramp
飞机技术检验注册局:Air Registration Board
飞机火灾:aircraft fire
飞机出口:aircraft exit
飞机(船):on-board fire
飞火搜索队:brand patrol
飞火试验:flying brand test
飞火:spot fire
飞弧能力:flash-over capacity
飞蛾扑火症:candle-moth syndrome
放焰火:firework display