毛坯库:roughcast warehouse
毛本:MAO edition
盲文印刷:embossed printing, Braille printing
慢速转向:slow steering
慢车调整螺丝:SAS Slow Adjust Screw
满载停车:laden stops
满截扭矩:FLT Full-Load Torque
脉动式燃油喷射泵:jerk fuel injection pump
脉动空气装置:pulsating air system
脉动空气进气系统:PLS Pulsating Air System
脉冲响应试验:pulse response test
脉冲输送空气电磁线圈:PAS Pulse Air Solenoid
脉冲式排气歧管:pulse exhaust manifold
脉冲骚扰:impulsive distrubance
脉冲宽度调节器:PWM Pulse Width Modulator
脉冲空气切换阀:PSV Pulse Air Shutoff Valve
脉冲空气阀:PV Pulse Air Valve
脉冲进气:gas pulse inlet
脉冲调制:pulse modulation
脉冲布筒除尘器:pulse cloth dust filter
埋入式电极盐浴炉:immersed electrode salt bath furnace
码(英制长度单位):YD Yard
马自达可变进气系统:VICS Variable Inertia Charging System
马氏体临界冷却速度:exothermic atmosphere
马力重量系数:horsepower-weight factor
落料拉延模:blanking and drawing die
落料冲孔模:blanking-and-punching die
落料成形模:blanking and shaping die
落箭试验:falling dart test
螺旋进气道进气:helical duct intake
螺旋弹簧离合器:spring-loaded clutch
螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环:coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring
螺旋弹簧:coil spring
螺旋扳冷却器:spiral cooler
螺纹拉线柱:threaded terminal
螺纹安装燃油喷射泵:screw-mounted fuel injection pump
螺距,周节,纵倾:P Pitch
螺杆式空气压缩机:Screw air compressor
螺杆螺线式转向器:screw and nut steering gear
罗孚斯特林:Rover Sterling
轮罩:Wheel spad
轮缘规格代号:flange size disignation
轮缘高度:flange height
轮缘半径:flange radius