蒸汽与水纯度试验:steam and water purity test
蒸汽与燃气轮机联合装置:STAG unit
蒸汽与燃气:steam and gas
蒸汽余面:steam lap
蒸汽-液压操舵装置:steam hydraulic steering gear
蒸汽压缩制冷:vapor compression refrigeration
蒸汽压缩机:vapor compressor,vapor compression machine
蒸汽压力调节器:steam pressure regulator
蒸汽压力测量仪:bourdon gauge
蒸汽压力表板:steam gauge board
蒸汽压力表:steam gauge
蒸汽压盖:steam gland
蒸汽循环回路:steam circuit
蒸汽熏舱及蒸汽灭火管路:steam smothering line
蒸汽熏舱管系:tank steaming-out piping system
蒸汽旋塞:steam cock
蒸汽消耗率:steam consumption rate
蒸汽消费率:WR ( water rate)
蒸汽相对进口速度:relative steam entrance velocity
蒸汽相对出口速度:relative steam exit velocity
蒸汽系泊绞车:steam mooring winch
蒸汽雾化燃烧器:steam atomizing burner
蒸汽雾化器:steam atomizer
蒸汽雾:vapor fog
蒸汽涡轮机船:turbine steamer (TS)
蒸汽涡轮发电机:steam turbogenerator
蒸汽涡轮传动:steam turbine drive
蒸汽温度自动调节蒸汽温度自动控制:automatic steam-temperature control
蒸汽温度自动调节:automatic steam temperature control
蒸汽危险指数:vapour hazard index
蒸汽往复机:steam reciprocating engine
蒸汽推进:steam propulsion
蒸汽通路:steam passage
蒸汽通流部分:steam path
蒸汽通道:steam channel
蒸汽填料函压盖:steam gland
蒸汽填料:steam packing
蒸汽速度:vapor velocity
蒸汽试验:steam test
蒸汽射水器:steam water ejector
蒸汽煞:steam brake
蒸汽扫气:steam purging
蒸汽润滑:steam lubrication
蒸汽软管:steam hose
蒸汽-燃气循环:steam gas cycle