油管割刀:tubing cutter
油管浮鞋:tubing float shoe
油管封隔器:tubing packer
油管封堵装置:tubing plugging device
油管短节:tubing joint
油管定位密封接头:locator tubing seal nipple
油管吊卡:pipe elevator
油管底端止回阀:tubing check valve
油管大钩:tubing hook
油管打捞作业:tubing catch
油管打捞筒:tubing socket
油管打捞矛:tubing spear
油管传送射孔器:TCP gun
油管传送射孔:tubing conveyed perforating
油管传送的:tubing conveyed
油管冲蚀:tubing erosion
油管测蚀器:tubing caliper
油管操作台:tubing board
油管操作:tubing manipulation
油管补接段:tubing extension
油管壁:tubing wall
油管安全接头:tubing safety joint
油管安全阀:storm choke
油-固体界面:oil-solid interface
油垢形成:oil sludge formation
油隔离液:oil spacer
油高:oil height
油港:Oil harbor
油杆自动提升器:automatic rod lifter
油封式震击器安全接头:oil-sealed jar safety joint
油封式震击器:oil-sealed bumper sub
油封绝缘电缆:oil-filler cable
油封环:oil-seal ring
油分散木质纤维:oil-dispersible wood fiber
油分离罐:oil separating tank
油分解:oil decomposition
油段塞:oil slug
油动:global oil movement
油滴粘度:blob viscosity
油滴体积:volume of a drop of oil
油滴缩颈弯月面:oil-neck meniscus
油滴收缩颈:oil filament
油滴大小分布:blob-size distribution
油滴长度:blob length
油滴:oil drop
油等势面:oil equipotential surface