卸荷测试:unloading test
泻水槽:weather groove
泄水阀;滑动式泄水阀:sluice valve
泄洪渠:rapid flood channel
泄放喷嘴:release nozzle
鞋架:shoe rack
携入的空气:entrained air
斜轴拌和机:inclined axis mixer
斜褶皱:oblique fold
斜照型照闷:angle lighting luminaire
斜削接:Chamfered joint
斜向荷载:skewed load
斜纹承压强度:compressive strength at an angle with slope of grain
斜纹:Twill weave
斜踏步:winder,wheel step
斜榫:Beveled tenon
斜水平台渠:berm channel
斜射波:angled beam
斜切割:miter cutting
斜坡资讯系统(土木工程署):Slope Information System [Civil Engineering Department]
斜坡资料目录:inventory of slopes
斜坡整理工程:slope treatment works
斜坡业权目录:inventory of slope ownership
斜坡修葺工程;修补斜坡工程:slope remedial works
斜坡稳定工程;斜坡巩固工程:slope stabilization works
斜坡维修组(地政总署):Slope Maintenance Section [Lands Department]
斜坡维修审核:slope maintenance audit
斜坡维修:slope maintenance
斜坡设计:slope design
斜坡平整工程:slope formation works
斜坡寮屋重验计划:Squatter Village Reinspection Programme
斜坡脚;坡脚:toe of a slope
斜坡加固工程:slope upgrading works
斜坡记录册:Catalogue of Slopes
斜坡及挡土墙:slope features
斜坡基底坍塌:base failure of slope
斜坡护面工程:slope surface protection works
斜坡巩固工程:slope preventive works
斜坡工程:Slope project
斜坡登记:slope registration
斜坡崩塌;山泥倾泻;滑坡:slope failure
斜坡安全研究:slope safety studies
斜坡安全热线:Slope Safety Hotline
斜坡安全技术审核委员会:Slope Safety Technical Review Board
斜坡安全常务委员会:Standing Committee on Slope Safety
斜坡安全部(土木工程署):Slope Safety Division [Civil Engineering Department]