人字间门:miter gate
人造植物和假山:Simulated Plants and Rocks
人造斜坡及挡土墙:man-made features
人造卫星定位方法:satellite positional fixing system
人造土壤改良剂:manufactured soil conditioner
人造石铺面:granolithoc finish
人造石混凝土:granolithic concrete
人造气候室:artificial climate room
人造铺地石:granolithic paving
人造木材:artificial wood
人造建筑材料:manufactured construction materials
人造花纹:Artificial grain
人造板:Wood-based panel
人行隧道:pedestrian tunnel
人行桥栏杆:pedestrian railing
人行横道:pedestrian crossing
人行道栏杆:pedestrian guard rail
人行道矮墙:pedestrian parapet
人行道、道路和停车场及附属设备:walk,road & parking appurtenances
人位:person space
人命风险类别:risk-to-life category
人民大学习堂:grand people's study house
人口推算:population projection
人口统计动向:demographic trend
人口数目:population support
人口界限;人口界线:population threshold
人口结构:Population structure
人口集中度:population density
人口当量:population equivalent
人孔踏步铁:manhole step irons
人机交换:human-computer exchange
人工窑干燥:Kiln drying
人工轻骨料混凝土:artificial light weight aggregate concrete
人工气侯试验室:climatic test chamber
人工搅拌混凝土:hand mixed concrete
人工降雨装置:artificial rainfall equipment
人工建筑的土地:man-made land
人工费:labor cost
人工捣实混凝土:hand compacted concrete
人工采光:artificial daylight
人车通道系统:pedestrian and vehicular access system
热辗压钢丝:hot rolled wire
热轧型钢:hot-rolled section steel
热轧光圆钢筋:finisher system
热轧钢筋条:hot rolled steel bar