有限转播发射机:LRBT Limited ReBroadcast Transmitter
有限信息工具变量:LIIV Limited Information Instrumental Variable
有限信息的最大可能方式:LIML Limited Information Maximum Likelihood method
有限信息的单方程方式:LISE Limited Information Single C Equation method
有限信息:bounded information
有限条目判定表:LEDT Limited C Entry Decision Table
有限态自动机:finite-state automaton
有限态语言:finite state language
有限态文法:finite-state grammar
有限态:FS Finity State
有限脉冲应答:FRI Finite Impulse Response
有限距离调制解调器,近程调制解调器(10公里之内):LDM Limited Distance Modem
有限存储自动机:finite memory automaton
有限存储机:finite memory machine
有线接入点:super joint
有线调制解调器:WM Wireline Modem
有线传输:wire transmission
有条件转移:BRC BRanch Conditional
有条件前向转移:Call Forwarding Conditional CFC
有条件呼叫前转:Conditional Call Forwarding CCF
有机电激发光显示器:Organic Electro-Luminescene Display(OELD)
有回叫的遇占,遇忙再占,遇忙二次呼叫:Camp-On With Recall
有缓冲颇文件:buffered file
有缓冲颇通道:buffered channel
有缓冲颇输入输出:buffered input output
有根图:rooted graph
有格式记录:formatted record
有负载,加载:LDD LouDeD
有标记结构:marked structure
有标号语句:labeled statement
有标号公用块:labeled common block
友思网(世界性新闻网):Net (Usenet)
友好软件:friendly software
游戏运行帧数:fr(frames rate)
游戏向导(加拿大研制):GW Game Wizard
游戏网络:games network
油墨盒:stamping ink pad
邮政总局(英国):GPO General Post Office
邮政电话电报署:post Telephone and Telegraph Administration(PTT)
邮政、电报和电话服务:Postal,Telegraph and Telephone (PTT)
邮局协定;邮局规约:post office protocol (POP)
邮局通讯协议第三版:Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3)
邮局通讯协议:Post Office Protocol (POP)
邮件用户程序:Mail Client
由指令列加载:command Line