人为误差的研究与分析程序:HERAP Human Error Research and Analysis Program
人为失效:human failure
人力资源管理系统:human resource management system
人力辅助机器翻译:HAMT Human Aided Machine Translation
人类语言,自然语言:HL Human Language
人类视觉系统:human vision system
人类肉体资源信息系统(美国):HUMARIS Human Materials Resources Information System
人类基因库计划:HGP Human Genome Project
人机适应:HMA Human Machine Adaptation
人机界面、人性化界面:human interface
人机交谈:man-machine dialogue
人-机交互作用:man-machine interaction
人工字产生器:manual word generator
人工智能语言:artificial intelligence language
人工智能系统:artificial intelligence systems
人工智能机:artifical intelligence machine
人工智能,人工智能:AI,artificial intelligence
人工纸张馈入复制器:Duplicator with Hand Feed
人工知能技术:artificial intelligence technology
人工阅读:manual read
人工语言:artificial language
人工送入:manual entry
人工税:manual tax
人工数据输入:manual data input {MDI}
人工输入产生器:manual-input generator
人工认知:Artificial cognition
人工控制器:manual controller
人工控制:artificial control
人工接线数值控制:numerical control,hand-wired
人工回答:manual answering
人工呼叶:manual calling
人工痕迹:human vestige
人工功能:manual function
人工更换原件复制器:Duplicator with Manual Master Change
人工地址开关:manual address switches
人工登录:manual entry
人工储存开关:manual-storage switch
人工辨识:Artificial Cognition
人工半自动呼叫:Semiautomatic Call
人错误:human factor error
人 机接口:human computer interface
热转印打印机/喷蜡打印机:thermal wax printer
热震;热冲拳:thermal shock
热载流子二极管:hot carrier diode
热印字机:Thermal Printer
热压接合:thermocompression bonding