时间的自动化网格:TAG Time Automated Grid
时间导出通道:channel time-derived
时间测定与数据收集:TADCO Timing And Data COllection
时间表控制器:time-schedule controller
时间标度因子:time-scale factor
时间编码转换器:TCT Time Code Translator
时间比率调制:TRM Time Ratio Modulation
时间比例因子:time-scale factor
时基式:Time Line Base
时分转接:TDS Time Division Switching
时分制:time division
时分信号分离:time demultiplexing
时分网络:time divided network
时分跳频:TDFH Time Division Frequency Hopping
时分连接器:TDC Time Division Connector
时分交换:time division switching
时分会计包,时间分享账户处理软件包:TAP Time C sharing Accounting Package
时分汇编程序,时间分享汇编程序:TAP Time C sharing Assembly Program
时分割制:time division system
时分割网络:time divided network
时分多路转换信道:TDMC Time Division Multiplexed Channel
时分调制:TDM Time Division Modulation
时分CDMA:Time Division-Code Division Multiple Access TD-CDMA
时导通道:time-derived channel
时代华纳公司(世界最大传媒集团,2000年1月10日被美国在线公司并购):TWI Time Warner Inc.
时代华纳电信公司:TWTC Time Warner TeleCom
时程线:TL Time Line
时层:time level
时标信道:clock channel
时标触发器定时触发器:clocked flip flop
时、分、秒:HMS Hours,Minutes,Seconds
石英晶体滤波器:quartz crystal filter
十字游标:cross-Lines cursor
十字型光标:cross hair
十字槽平头螺钉:Cruciform slot panhead screw
十字槽盘头螺钉:cross recessed pan head screw
十字槽螺丝帽:Cruciform slot head
十字槽螺钉:cross-recessed screw
十指交合〖网语〗:FC fingers crossed
十亿比特以太网,千兆位以太网:GE Gigabits Ethernet
十一孔:Eleven Punch
十六进制显示:HEX HEXadecimal display
十六进制顺序:HSQ Hexadecimal Sequential
十六进制键盘:hexadecimal keyboard
十六进制记数法:hexadecimal notation,hex; sexadecimal notation
十六进制到二进制:HB Hexadecimal to Binary
十六进制常数:hexadecimal constant
十六进制表示法:hexadecimal notation ,HEX