消耗性资源:consumable resources
消费者数字订阅线路:CDSL: Consumer Digital Subscriber Line
消费电子:consumer electronics
消防桶长龙接力式器件,组桶式器件:BBD Bucket Brigade Device
消除字符用字符:character-deletion character
消除因子:excretion factor
消除因素:Elimination Factor
消除式可程序只读存储器:erasable programmable read-only memory(EPROM )
橡树岭自动计算机和逻辑机:ORACLE Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical Engine
橡树岭国立实验室(美国):ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
橡皮条技术:rubber banding
橡胶底座:RB Rubber Base
像子h:video teleconference
像素纵横比:pixel aspect ratio
像素型样:pixel pattern
像素数据:pixel data
像素扫瞄:pixel scan
像素母线:pixel bus
像素矩阵:pixel matrix
像素多边形〖显卡测试〗:NPP N Pixel Polygons
像素对分解度:pixel US resolution
像素/数元位准:pixel/bit levels
象征性聊天链路访问协议:TLAP Token Talk Line Access Protocol
象征性环状网络:TRN Token Ring Network
象征性环网D标准〖网络〗:TRD Token Ring D
象眨数:figurative constant
象限仪仰角:QE Quadrant Elevation
象限误差:quadrantal error
项目属性:item attribute
项目中寻找:find in projects
项目讯息:project information
项目文件名称:item File Name
项目委托单位:project entrust organization
项目描述:description of project
项目类:item class
项目扩展名:item Extension
项目库管理程序:project librarian
项目精灵:makefile Project Wizard Makefile
项目经理:project manager
项目计数器:item counter
项目计划与监督:PP&O Project Planning and Oversight
项目号:item number
项目分隔符:item separation symbol
项目定义组:entry definition group
项目档案:project file
项目单选择:menu selection
项目单格式:menu format
项目大小:item size
项目程序:Expert Program