仪器试验:instrument test
仪器零件:item of apparatus
仪颇有效量程:effective range of instrument
仪疲数:meter constant
仪表座总成:gauge base assembly
仪表组件组装:instrument group assembly
仪表组件:instrument group
仪表组,仪表套件:gage kit
仪表总成:Instrument assembly
仪表支承:gauge tower
仪表正级接线:meter positive lead
仪表针形截止阀:Meter Needle Type Globe Valves
仪表用滤清器:instrument filter
仪表用变量器:instrument transformer
仪表引线:meter lead
仪表选择器开关:meter selector switch
仪表型仪器:meter type instrument
仪表泄漏:gauge leak
仪表校准:calibrating indicating instruments
仪表箱[柜]:instrument case
仪表线路:instrument wiring
仪表通气孔:gauge port
仪表停止:gauge stop
仪表体总成:gauge body assembly
仪表体:gauge body
仪表试验:instrument test
仪表失效:meter failure
仪表气源:Gas source for an instrument
仪表面板控制:dash panel control
仪表面板[工作台]总成:board assembly
仪表面:gauge face
仪表密封:gauge package
仪表轮支架:gauge wheel bracket
仪表轮:gauge wheel
仪表零件号:gauge part number
仪表连接位置:gauge hookup location
仪表连接(点,物):gauge connection
仪表宽度:gauge width
仪表控制板:instrument panel
仪表精度:instrument precision
仪表接地端:gauge ground terminal
仪表监控器板:instrument monitor panel
仪表功能:meter function
仪表工具组件:gauge tool group
仪表更换:gauge change
仪表附件:gauge attachment
仪表飞行:blind flight,blind flying,instrument flying,fly blind