铸铁车间,铸铁厂:iron foundry
铸铁蓖子:cast-iron grating
铸铁[鳍片管]式省煤器:cast-iron (gilled tube) economizer
铸入叶片:cast-in blade
铸钎焊:flow brazing
铸膜液,浇膜液:casting solution
铸铝双鼠笼转子:cast-in aluminum two-cage rotor
铸铝鼠笼:cast-in aluminum squirrel cage
铸工,翻砂:foundry worker
铸钢机座:cast steel frame
铸钢磁轭:cast steel yoke
铸钢[件]:steel casting
铸[造鼠]笼式转子:cast squirrel-cage winding
筑檐板;鱼鳞板:weather board
著缘试验:main insulation test
著缘:major insulation
著磁机:main exciter
柱座,柱基:column base
柱状外对流敏感元件:external-convection column sensitive element
柱状图表:bare graph
柱状铁素体:columnar ferrite
柱状绝缘子,装脚绝缘子:post insulator
柱状结晶:columnar grain
柱状合金扩散晶体管:post alloy diffusion transistor
柱状断口:columnar fracture
柱形凸起焊接:stud bump bonding (SBB)
柱洗提程序:column elution program
柱网:plans of columns
柱填充:column filling; column packing
柱寿命:life span of columne
柱式位移器:barrel shifter
柱式配电盘:pillar type switchgear
柱式荡轮、柱式荡轮式储线器、舞摆[动盘]式储线器:column-type dancer accumulator
柱身:column shaft
柱上式变压器,杆上变压器:pole top transformer
柱上开关,柱上闸刀开关:mast switch
柱上电压调整器:pole-mounted regulator
柱上变压器,杆上变压器:pole-mounted transformer
柱上变压器:pole type transformer
柱塞式油缸,活塞式油缸:ram cylinder
柱塞进煤的下饲式炉排:ram and retort grate
柱塞变量泵,可变冲程柱塞泵:variable stroke plunger pump
柱容量因素:column capacity factor
柱面阵:cylindrical array
柱面叶片,圆柱形叶片:plain vane
柱面透镜:cylindrical lens