总流量,总排水量:total displacement
总灵敏度;综合灵敏度:total sensitivity
总灵敏度:total responsivity
总链产额:total chain yield
总联络网:general interconnecting network
总利用系数:overall coefficient
总离子色谱图:total ion chromatogram
总离子强度调节缓冲剂:adjust buffer total ion strength
总冷却效果:total cooling effect
总括收益概念:all-inclusive income concept
总括价格:blanket price
总括订货单:blanket order
总括抵押:blanket mortgage
总扩散率:overall diffusivity
总馈线,主馈线:main feeder
总矿物酸度:TMA (total mineral acidity)
总库容:total volume
总控制系统:general control system
总控制盘:general control panel
总空载时间:overall dead time
总空气污染:total air pollution
总可靠性:cumulative reliability
总开孔流动面积:total openflow area
总开距(触头的):length of break
总开关,主控开关,主开关:master switch
总开关,主开关:main switch
总绝热效率:overall adiabatic efficiency
总接线图,全部设备接线图:general connection diagram
总角动量量子数:total angular momentum quantum number
总检查长:Inspector General
总价值:total value
总价法:gross method
总价采购:lump-sum purchase
总剂量,总投配量:total dose
总计仪器仪表:totalizing instrument
总计数器:total counter
总计示压力:total gauge pressure
总计法:aggregative methods
总计,总额,总共:in the aggregate
总计,总额:total amount
总计,把……总加起来:figure up
总集电容负载:lumped capacitive load
总级效率:gross stage efficiency
总基建投资,总基建费:TCIC (total capital investment cost)
总火线保险器,进户线熔断器,总火线熔断器:main service fuse
总活性,总(放射性)活度:total activity
总会计师,总会计:general accountant