噪声平衡电路:NBC (noise balancing circuit)
噪声频率:noise level
噪声利用:noise use
噪声离散:noise variance
噪声控制规划:noise control program
噪声控制;消除噪声:abatement of noise
噪声-空气污染:noise-air pollution
噪声截止:noise cutting off
噪声降低系数:noise reduction coefficient
噪声剂量:Noise exposure dosage
噪声技术:noise technique
噪声级分析仪:noise level analyzer
噪声级,噪声强度:noise intensity
噪声畸变,噪声失真:noise distortion
噪声和数值指标:noise and number index,NN1
噪声管制立法:noise control legislation
噪声管制法:noise control law
噪声功率频谱密度:noise spectral power density
噪声功率,干扰功率:noise power
噪声隔离因素:noise insulation factor
噪声高度:peak of noise
噪声分散:noise dispersion
噪声分级值,NR数:NRN (noise rating number)
噪声分级曲线,NR曲线:noise rating curve
噪声防护器:noise protector
噪声防:noise protection
噪声发生装置:noise-producing equipment
噪声发生源:noise-producing source
噪声发生器件极管:noise generator diode
噪声发射极限:limiting noise emission
噪声二极管:noise diode
噪声调制:noise modulation
噪声电压:noise voltage
噪声电平,噪声级:snow level
噪声等值线:noise contours
噪声等值电阻:noise equivalent resistance
噪声等效带宽:NEB (noise equivalent bandwidth)
噪声的隔离,隔噪声:isolation of noise
噪声单位:noise unity
噪声传输影响;噪声传输质量降低:NTI (noise transmission impairment)
噪声传感器:noise transducer [sensor]
噪声传递:noise transfer
噪声传播:noise transmission
噪声场强:noise field strength
噪声测试器;噪声计:noise meter
噪声测量设备:noise measuring equipment