家畜筒线虫病:gongylonemosis of domestic animal
家畜饲养学:animal feeding science
家畜饲养地域:animal breeding area
家畜寿命:natural span of livestock life
家畜生长刺激剂:growing stimulent of domestic animal
家畜沙门氏杆菌病:salmonellosis of domestic animal
家畜褥草:animal litter
家畜贫血:domestic animals anemia
家畜拟圆虫病:strongyloidosis of livestock
家畜绝对利用年限:absolute period of livestock use
家畜疥癣病:acariasis of domestic animal
家畜结节虫病:oesophagostomosis of livestock
家畜结核病:livestock tuberculosis
家畜剪毛:cattle shearing
家畜蛔虫病:ascaridosis of domestic animal
家畜呼肠孤病毒:reovirus of livestock
家畜管理:livestock management
家畜钩端螺旋体病:leptospirosis of domestic animal
家畜佝偻病:rachitis of domestic animal
家畜改良:Animal improvement
家畜腹腔丝状虫病:intraperitoneal filariasis of livestock
家畜颚口线虫病:gnathostomosis of domestic animal
家畜多室包虫病:multilocular echinococcosis of livestock
家畜癫痫:epilepsy of domestic animal
家畜秤:cattle weighing platform
家畜肠病毒感染:enterovirus infection of domestic animal
家畜布氏杆菌病:brucellosis of domestic animal
家畜病毒:virus of domestic animal
家畜鞭虫病:trichocephalosis of domestic animal
家系育种法:family method of breeding
家禽学:poultry science
家禽泄殖腔炎:cloaca inflammation of poultry
家禽消化不良:dispepsia of poultry
家禽细菌性关节炎:poultry bacterial arthritis
家禽饲养:poultry feeding
家禽饲料:poultry feeding
家禽肉:poultry meat
家禽葡萄球菌病:poultry staphylococcosis
家禽胚病:disease of poultry embryo
家禽笼病:battery disease
家禽链球菌病:poultry streptococcosis
家禽溃疡性肠炎:avian ulcerative enteritis
家禽霍乱:avian cholera
家禽坏死性肠炎:avian necrotic enteritis