毛髓层:medullary layer
毛收集器:wool collector
毛伸长性:wool elongation
毛皮兽:Fur-bearing mammals
毛皮生产性:fur productivity
毛密度:bulk density
毛脉的:hairy nerved
毛卷曲度:sheep tortuosity
毛脚蚕:unpupated larva
毛果的:hairy fruited
毛管悬着水:capillary hanging water
毛管水压力:capillary pressure
毛管容水量:capillary water capacity
毛管灌水:capillary irrigation
毛茛中毒:buttercup poisoning
毛根的:hairy rooted
毛干燥机:dehydrator of wool
毛弹性:wool elasticity
毛长:the wool length
猫纤维素性肉瘤:fibrinous sarcoma of cat
猫鼻炎病毒:rhinitis virus of cat
猫鼻气管炎:rhinotracheitis of cat
蔓生植物:vine plants,liana
漫灌:flooding irrigation
慢性辐射:chronic irradiation
曼陀罗中毒:poisoning by stramonium
曼森裂头蚴病:manson's sparganosis
螨防治:acarid control
螨传染:tick transmission
脉冲标记术:impulse labelling
脉搏次数:pulse rate
麦类网腥黑穗病:stinking smut of wheat and barley
麦类穗首腐病:fusarium wilt of wheat and barley
麦类散黑穗病:loose smut of wheat and barley
麦类麦角病:ergot of wheat and barley
麦类立枯病:take all of wheat and barley
麦类黄锈病:stripe rust of wheat and barley
麦类黄萎病:sclerosporiosis of wheat and barley
麦类黑穗病:bunt smut
麦类褐锈病:leaf rust of wheat and barley
麦类秆锈病:stem rust of wheat and barley
麦类赤色雪腐病:snow mould of wheat and barley
麦类赤霉病:gibberella zeaze petch of wheat and barley
麦类白粉病:powdery mildew of wheat and barley