势力平衡:balance of power
事业咨询:career counseling
事业周期:career cycle
事业选择:career choice
事业评价:career appraisal
事业目标:entrepreneur purpose
事业领域:career field
事业阶段:career stages
事业教育:career education
事业活力:career resilience
事业管理:career management
事业辅导:career quidance
事业发展问卷:Career Development Inventory
事业定位:career anchors
事业成熟性:career maturity
事业成熟度量表:Career Maturity Inventory
事物的属性:attribute of things
事物的类:class of things
事实性焦虑:real anxiety
事前事后设计:before after design
事前事后测验:before after experiment
事前评估:advance evaluation
事前估计值:advance estimate
事前比较:prior comparisons
事例分析:case analysis
事件相关电位:Event-related potential
事件关联电位:Event related potentials
事件抽样:event sampling
事后型实验:expost facto experiment
事后效应:Effect After the Event Appearing
事后考验:post hoc test
事后回溯研究:ex post facto research
事后回溯实验设计:ex post facto experimental design
事后回溯设计:ex post facto design
事后回溯控制:ex post facto control
事后回溯:ex post facto
事后归因谬误:post hoc fallacy
事后分析:post analysis
事后调查:Post-enumeration survey
事后比较:posterior comparisons
事故预防训练:training accident prevention
事故性神经病:accident neurosis
事故倾向:accident proneness
事故平均间隔时间:mean time between failures
事故多米诺说:accident domino theory