油膜厚度:lubricant film thickness
油膜:oil film
油料罪:oil plant
油井压裂:oil well fracturing
油减震:oil dampling
油点光度计:grease spot photometer
油层酸处理:acid treatment of oil payzone
油层单元:pay zone unit
油层;油贮:oil measure
油捕:oil trap
油饱和率:oil saturation
优先淋出:preferential leaching
优先浮选:Preferential Flotation
用重物落地引起地震波法:weight dropping technique
用细菌除铬:remove chrome with bacteria
用同位素的时代测定:isotopic age determination
用鲶鱼预报地震:predict earthquake with catfish
用多普勒雷达预测暴风雨:forecast windstorm with doppler radar
用材林:timber forest
用不用说:use and disuse
永久筑城:permanent fortification
永久雪线:permanent snow line
永久悬着水:permanent perched water
永久悬着地下水:perched permanent ground water
永久性异常:permanent anomaly
永久群落:permanent community
永久牧地:permanent pasture
永久积雪原:firn field
永久积雪:permanent snow cover
永久负载:permanent load
永久封冻湖:amictic lake
永久冻土下位水:subpermafrost water
永久冻土台:permafrost table
永久冻土上的水:superpermafrost water
永久凋萎点:ultimate witting point
永久磁场:Permanent magnet
永冻心土:permafrost subsoil
永冻土下的水:subpermafrost waters
永冻土层面:permafrost table
硬叶林:sclerophyllous forest
硬叶垫状植被:hard cushion vegetation
硬石膏层:anhydrite formation
硬片摄影机:plate camera
硬片暗匣:plate cassette
硬盘层:pan horizon