地形交会点:topographical intersected point
地形锢囚:orographic occlusion
地形改化:topographic reduction
地形复活:rejuvenation of relief
地形风:orographic wind
地形分析:terrain analysis
地形分类:terrain classification
地形发层幼年期:stage of youth
地形点:topographic point
地形底图:topographic base
地形等高线匹配制导:terrain contour matching guidance
地形的下降进化:descending evolution of relief
地形的隆起演化:upward evolution of relief
地形的不对称性:asymmetry of relief
地形倒置:inversion of relief
地形尺:topographic staff
地形成因沼泽:topogeneous mire
地形成层:layering of relief
地形测量原图:manuscript record of a topographic survey
地形测分析:morphometric analysis
地形表示法:representation of ground
地心系统:geocentric system
地心体系:geocentric system of the universe
地心:earth core
地下钻:underground drilling
地下重力水:gravity ground water
地下水总量目录:groundwater inventory
地下水源枯竭:exhaustion of groundwater resources
地下水小瀑布:groundwater cascade
地下水位下降:groundwater level recession
地下水位等高线:water table contour
地下水土丘:groundwater mound
地下水水质:underground water quality
地下水水化学剖面图:hydrogeochemical profile
地下水水稻土:ground water paddy soil
地下水深度:Depth of groundwater
地下水上升:groundwater rising
地下水区:groundwater province
地下水平衡:the balance of groundwater
地下水排泄区:groundwater-discharge area
地下水排泄:groundwater discharge
地下水农业评价:agricultural evaluation on ground water
地下水面波动:fluctuations of water table
地下水面:water table
地下水露头:cropping-out of underground water