最低地面温度:grass minimum temperature
最大允许剂量:maximum permissible dose (MPD)
最大现象:maximum event
最大微斜长石:maximum microcline
最大水位:maximum level
最大盆地起伏:maximum basin relief
最大径流:peak runoff
最大假想地震:maximum hypothetical earthquake
最大海侵面:thalassocratic sea level
最大地震裂度:maximum seismic intensity
最大持水量:maximal water holding capacity
钻液:drilling fluid
钻眼用泵:boring pump
钻眼偏斜:hole deviation
钻土机:earth auger
钻探用泥浆:mud fluid
钻探设备:Drilling equipment
钻探泥浆:drilling mud
钻探浮船:floating drilling barge
钻时录井:penetration time logging
钻入速度:penetration rate
钻泥:bore mud
钻粒钻井:shot drilling
钻孔应变计:borehole strainmeter
钻孔深度:drilling depth
钻孔倾角:inclination of borehole
钻孔铺设:laying of a borehole
钻孔绞车:drill winch
钻孔检查:punching inspect
钻孔堵塞物:hole stemming
钻孔动物:boring animals
钻孔顶角:zenithal angle of hole
钻孔底部:borehole bottom
钻孔处理:borehole transact
钻孔布置:layout of drill hole
钻孔壁:drill hole wall
钻孔:Drill hole
钻井装置操驻:drill operator
钻井用钢丝绳:drilling cable,drillling line
钻井完成:well completion
钻井剖面图:graphic well log
钻井剖面:drill column
钻井方法:drilling method
钻井尘:drill dust
钻进设备:drilling equipment
钻进勘探:prospecting by drilling