破劈理:fracture cleavage
破裂模数:fractional distrubution
破裂带:Rupture zones
破裂层:disrupted beds
破坏性地震:destructive earthquake
破坏形式:damage form
破坏变质:destructive metamorphism
坡栖岩块:perched block
坡栖石块:perched block
坡面体晶类:domatic class
坡面漫流:overland flow
坡降流:gradient currents
坡积土:slope wash
坡度尺:sclae of slope
坡地侵蚀:sloping land erosion
坡地气候:climate of slopes
坡地沉积:slope deposit
瓶式泥沙采样器:bottle silt sampler
屏像:screen image
评价等级:evaluating grade
平整指数:flattening index
平原河流:Plain River
平原河:lowland river
平行钻孔钻架:gadding machine
平行褶皱:parallel fold
平行斜交地震反射结构:parallel oblique seismic reflection configuration
平行纤维状的;平行纡维状的:fibrous parallel
平行劈理:parallel cleavage
平行脉:parallel vein
平行共生:parallel growth
平行断层:parallel faults
平行地震反射结构:parallel seismic reflection configuration
平行带状构造:parallel banded structure
平坦山:subdued mountains
平坦河间地:flat interfluve
平坦断口:even fracture
平面直角坐标:plane rectangular coordinate
平面相似性:planimetric shape outline
平面图绘制:outline draught
平面图表示法:representation of features in plane
平面培养:surface culture
平面波地震记录:plane-wave seismogram
平矿层:flat seam
平均值定律:mean value theorem
平均有效信息量:Average effective information
平均太阳日:mean star day
平均水位:mean stage;average stage